Stepping into the city with the Cowboy Cruiser is like entering a realm where style meets innovation. Its captivating design doesn’t just turn heads; it commands attention and curiosity from onlookers, creating a magnetic presence that transcends the typical cityscape. Design and Aesthetics The Cowboy Cruiser is a head-turner in every sense. The bike’s unique …
Category Archives: Vanmoof
Anticipated Arrival of the VanMoof S4 : Updates & End of an Era for S3 & X3
The e-bike world is abuzz with the latest whispers surrounding the highly anticipated VanMoof S4. VanMoof, a Dutch company known for its sleek and innovative e-bikes, has been teasing the public with glimpses of Qui Yang’s latest masterpiece — a stunning, glossy black S3 with upgraded features. As fans say goodbye to the iconic S3 & X3 …
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US Mode on VanMoof: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Activate the US Mode on VanMoof S5 & A5? If you’re a VanMoof S5 or A5 owner, you can unleash the potential of your ride by activating the US mode (32 km/h). Though it may seem a bit more complicated than on previous models, it’s worth it to experience faster speeds and an even …
Unveiling the VanMoof S5: A Review of the Latest E-Bike Model’s Features and Performance
After much anticipation and speculation, the wait for the VanMoof S5/A5 and S3/X3 is finally over. And as a special bonus, use the code ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7 at checkout to save €100/$100/£95 on VanMoof accessories and PoM services. I was lucky enough to test ride the S5 and A5 in selected brand stores in Amsterdam last August, …
VanMoof S5/A5 Test Rides & First Impressions
Its true S5 has a little smaller frame than the S3 but the ride felt fine. If you consider buying a VanMoof S5/A5 or S3/X3, use the following discount code during checkout and save €100/$100/£95 on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7 Welds: Seems not like the best job from VanMoof but they are bearable and …
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VanMoof S5 or A5? Get ready, it will fulfil your expectations!
It’s the right time to reconsider your decision! This article reveals the new features of the VanMoof S5 & A5 before the deliveries kick start. Consider reading the posts The VanMoof Reveal! and Should you buy a VanMoof S3/X3 or wait for the S5/A5? before. We only knew about what was written on the fact sheet and advertised …
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Solltest du ein VanMoof S3/X3 kaufen oder auf das S5/A5 warten? VanMoof S5 vs S3
Du musst eine Entscheidung treffen! Diese Frage steht jetzt in jedem VanMoof-Forum im Internet. Es ist keine leichte Entscheidung,setze also deine Prioritäten richtig. Gestern (29.03.22), eine Woche vor dem Enthüllungsevent, haben Fans den neuen S5 in freier Wildbahn gesichtet. Im folgenden Artikel findest du die Details und die Fotos. Die VanMoof-Enthüllung! Sparen Sie 100 € bei …
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Should you buy a VanMoof S3/X3 or wait for the S5/A5? VanMoof S3 vs S5
You’ve got to make a decision! This question is on every VanMoof forum on the internet now. It’s not an easy decision, so better set priorities right. Yesterday (29.03.22), one week before the reveal event, fans spotted the new S5 in the wild. In the article below, you’ll find the details and the photos of …
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The VanMoof Reveal! VanMoof S5 & A5
Here it is exactly after 693 days! Just like it was between the VanMoof Electrified S2&X2 and S3&X3. If you consider buying a VanMoof, use the following discount code during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7 If you follow @vanmoofernews on Twitter then you’ve seen the tweet today (15.03.2022) at 01:26. Around …
Will the newest VanMoof S4 & X4 (or VanMoof S5 & X5) land in 2022?
Take a look at the product lifecycle of tech products, you’ll see a pattern. For instance, mobile phones are getting yearly updates, laptops, and tablets, every second year. If you consider buying an S3/X3, use the following discount code during checkout and get €100/$100/£95 off on VanMoof accessories & PoM services: ADV-Y78Q-4S9G-HEM7 Tech products are in …
Continue reading “Will the newest VanMoof S4 & X4 (or VanMoof S5 & X5) land in 2022?”